
Move blocks from page assets without Delete permission

Move blocks from page assets without Delete permission

Use Dojo trickery to allow users moving blocks without Delete permissions on local assets folder.

Jerzy Czopek
Probably almost any EPiserver user knows that to move blocks between folders in EPiserver you need to able to delete items from the source folder. And it’s fine for most of the time and we don’t think too much about it. Until we run into an issue, of course. Things can get tricky when we are faced with some specific requirements, which do not fit into the out-of-the-box capabilities of EPiserver.
EPiserver & Powerpaste postprocessing

EPiserver & Powerpaste postprocessing

How to run additional content cleanup after pasting rich content from MS Word.

Jerzy Czopek
One of the most important pieces of EPiserver for content editing is the support for rich text. EPiserver integrates with one of the most popular and well known rich text editors for web browsers - TinyMCE. Out of the box TinyMCE is packed with features and configuration options and its ecosystem is packed with plugins (both free and paid), that can greatly expand its capabilities. I have recently been asked to add support for PowerPaste plugin for the TinyMCE editor in EPiserver.
Unable to initialize/update EPiserver database with user secrets enabled

Unable to initialize/update EPiserver database with user secrets enabled

How to solve issues with database upgrade/initialization while using User Secrets.

Jerzy Czopek
I suppose all of you know the importance of not storing secrets for connections to databases, APIs, identity providers etc. in the repositories alongside with the code. There are many ways to keep them away from the source code in .NET Core and in .NET Framework. To avoid storing secrets in code for EPiserver, the user secrets feature can be leveraged (provided by Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.UserSecrets NuGet package). However, there is an issue when upgrading/initializing Episerver database using Initialize-EPiDatabase and Update-EPiDatabase in the Visual Studio Package Manager when the UserSecrets package is referenced.